Folkloric February with Khadijah - Full Weekend

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Folkloric February with Khadijah - Full Weekend


Location: Aalim Dance Academy, 2520 N. Meridian, OKC, OK 73107

Full Weekend (classes only)

Friday 7:00-9:00 PM - Al Khaleej 1.0: “Get to know the culture before you get to know the dance" basic class: Khaleeji is more than what the West think it is.

Saturday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm - Khaleeji dance 101: True culture and tradition: “Khaleeji” to refer to the styles of dance, culture and music from the Persian Gulf or Arabian Gulf region. Focus on KSA and social dances.

Saturday 1:30-3:30 pm - Khaleeji technique, mannerisms, and movement: So now we know the Khaleej dance etiquette (even down to the traditions in how the dance is performed) and the basics of the movement. In this class we will go beyond the basics to put together a series of movements and dance patterns. This is not a choreography class; techniques will be taught how to develop fluidity in the dance.

Sunday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm - "The Khaleej to Masriya, Masriya to the Khaleej and the others in between": Egyptian music incorporating Khaleej rhythms (especially in 2/4 rhythms). We will discuss and dance the differences between these regions / cultures to differentiate and recognize what is Khaleeji musicality and what is not.

Full weekend is for classes only. Show ticket must be purchased separately.

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